Chassard is covered from head to tail in jet black fur, except for his paws. His eyes are ultra reflective too so using the flash is out unless you want a horror photo. Coupled with the fact that he's camera shy, it makes it really difficult to take good photos of him.
Example of baaaad photo: All you can see are teeth and fur.

Still, some time back, I managed to take a few shots which captured his typical doggie expressions. I still can't figure out how you can tell what he's thinking through all that fur!

"I'm just happy to see you." *grin*

"Are you going to feed me?"

"Huh? You again?"
And here's the classic (and my personal fave):

HAHAHAHAHAHA, what did he do?
Actually he didn't do anything. I just called him to come and hold still. He knew I was up to something hence the look. So classic!
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