... and door frames

The good news is that we've found the source of the problem. It turns out that one single termite, albeit a rather large, hairy one, is responsible for the destruction. Here he is trying to get into the house.

Don't be fooled. That happy, friendly face is just a trick.
"I will chew your house from under you!"

Footnote: This species is that it doesn't just go for wood; it also attacks, cushions, socks, shoes, rugs and all types of food.
For a sec there, i was really wondering wat sorta termites would 'scratch' your doors like that (in pic 1). hahahhaha.
Yeah, need to trim his nails....the teeth on the other hand, I can't do anything about!
You probably need a metal door to prevent scratches. Danny is sure destructive. Lol.
Yes he is! Unfortunately for that door, my previous dog also had a go at it. So now the only part that is unscratched in the top part above my head!
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