Just yesterday, he snuck into my room, grabbed my brand new chiffon blouse with satin trimming right out of the bag, and dragged it into the living room for us to give chase. Thankfully he didn't do any damage save for some drool, and thankfully for him, it was on clearance.
I recently discovered a way of wearing out some of that boundless energy. And it's all thanks to this:

Yes, the humble tennis ball.
Ping pong balls only last a minute and simple dog toy balls cost a good $5 at the store. I got him a set of 3 tennis balls at Cash Converters for only $1. They've been used before but Friend Dan doesn't care.
Directions for use:
1) Locate a good flight of stairs.
2) Bounce ball to get Dog's attention and then pitch it down the stairs.
3) As Dog scampers after ball, prepare second ball in hand.
4) Just as Dog reaches top of stairs with ball in mouth, send second ball flying down the stairs. Dog should automatically drop first ball and chase Ball 2. (Note: If Dog does not drop Ball 1, wave Ball 2 frantically in front of Dog until Dog released Ball 1.)
5) Repeat until Dog looks like this:

6) After which, you can read the papers, have breakfast, paint your nails, etc., and not have to worry about what Dog is up to.
Variations: For owner's amusement, you may consider releasing three balls at once in different directions.
Side effect: You may experience constant background panting from Dog which you'll eventually get used to. This is normal and indicates that Dog is in operation.
Note: When panting stops, it signifies the need to repeat process. Ignoring this may result in destruction of property and personal artifacts (e.g., chiffon blouse with satin trimming).
Caution: Continuing process after Dog has reached tongue-lolling state may result in Dog producing partially digested stomach contents. This may occur without warning.
This may also result in hubby scolding you for over-stimulating Dog and being a lousy owner.
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