After five ungroomed months, Danny was starting to look quite poofy. While it was fun stroking and playing with him, his vision was starting to get quite limited.

He wasn't exactly running into walls but he was peering between fur for a view of the world, and eventually, even Lance commented that he couldn't see.
After a long hard search, I made an appointment with Bark and Bubbles for a grooming session but since it's in end-November, Rhoda decided that being blind for another month wasn't in his best interest. So, during bath time one day, she whipped up a pair of scissors and ...

Yes, I was thinking that he needed a fringe trim too.. Cant imagine that there is such a long queue for grooming dates. Is there really a shortage of pet grooming professionals..?
It's more of a case of me being picky with my groomers. I finally found one that seems good in all aspects. Unfortuantely they are really far from my place and I'm only free to bring him down in end-Nov.
There is a groomer that near my place that seems alright but they're only opening shop in end-Nov.
So, it looks like Danny will be a shaggy dog till then!
my goodness. the difference.
Yeah...amazing eh? :D
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