Monday, October 4, 2010
Ooooh! That Ruffian!
He was a good dog for a bit and then he reverted back to his naughty ways. I've blogged about the usual stuff so much in the past, it's practically become "normal Danny".
Yesterday, however, he outdid himself. I came back home about 9pm to see Danny scurrying about in the garden. When he saw us, he shot up the stairs and whined like some great injustice had been done.
Me being the gullible owner, thought he had been mercilessly chucked outside sans his dinner. So I pick him up and brought him into the house.
It turned out that he did have his dinner (and more, seeing that parents sneak him tidbits when I'm out), had been brought down to sleep but had escaped into the garden.
Feeling a lot less sorry for him, I held on to him and propped my butt on the armrest of the sofa. Danny, in the mean time, was getting really frustrated at being so close to so many objects but not being able to get at them. He struggled like his life depended on it and I tightened my grip on him. Before I knew it, I fell backwards onto the sofa.
And because he was still wriggling madly, I was pulled off the sofa onto the floor. In my descent, I hit my leg on the coffee table.
I now have a two-inch-by-one-inch swollen black bruise on my thigh curtesy of the dog.
Danny isn't too bothered. I'm the biggest object he's damaged in his one and a half years of life. It's quite an achievement.
PS: Thought of taking a photo of the bruise but didn't want to spoil everyone's dinner.
PPS: Thought also of taking a photo of Danny but didn't want to spoil MY dinner. Maybe another day when I stop being mad at him.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Danny Upgrade - The Novita Experiment
He has been kicking things up a notch around the house. Previously, he used to limit his destruction to newspapers, pens and old slippers. Now he has decided to take it to the next level.
His latest list includes:
- Mom's blood pressure machine
- Mom's set of paint brushes
- My handphone cover (thank God my handphone wasn't in it!)
- And the switch of the mosquito zapper in the study room
Of all, the last one caused the biggest headache for me. The blood pressure machine, although it bears the scars of Danny's affections, still works. The zapper, on the other hand, doesn't work without its switch.
As it faces the garden, the study attracts a good share of mossies, and hubby bought the machine to enjoy an itch-free life. He religiously turns it on everyday and takes gleeful pleasure in hearing it spark.
Danny destroyed all that in a matter of minutes. Hubby was already upset with him for a previous rampage of the house, which involved the first three items on the list. If he found out about his precious machine, I'd be feeding Danny through a tube.
So, I dropped everything including my facial appointment which I badly needed, and rushed the machine down to Novita's HQ. The receptionist peered rather strangely at the problem and got a technicial to look into it.
After a 20-minute wait, it came out as good as new. The best thing was, it was free! I was really, really surprised. (And you know how nothing is free unless they have a bigger scam in mind.)
The recep replied that they don't charge for small repairs. And this is even though it was past warranty and they had to replace the entire switch with a brand new one! Talk about good customer service!
She had one question though, "How did the switch get like that?" I spent the next five minutes explaining about the extra large rodent we have at home and she laughed. "Ya, we were just wondering!"
The only problem now is I still have a big fat pimple on my chin and it's all his fault.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Breakfast with Danny
Meals and snack time with Danny loose in the house is quite an affair. Our friend already has an egg every morning, which is plenty for a little dog. But he still goes after scraps.
It turns out that I've been going about it wrong. It's the parents that need training.
Danny's breakfast routine:
Step 1: Go to mum. Beg and bark.

Step 2: Go to dad. Beg and bark, but don't bark so loud cos dad will kick ass.

Step 3: Eat reward for being a bad dog.

When I told mum she's too soft on him, she shot back, "But he will bark at me!"
To think she speant her life in teaching and retired a vice principal.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Danny's new groom

I asked Bryan to give him a schnauzer trim minus the beard and long leg fur - that basically meant everything was cut short. Such a difference! Honestly, I might have taken the wrong dog home and wonder why "Danny" was so well behaved.
But not to worry. My ears are still ringing from him shrieking in the morning and mom shrieking right back, so it's definately him.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Holiday without Danny - Flowers, Food and Other Observations
One of the things I really like about Canada and the US is that people can do what they like and be respected for it. The following two shots are taken in Vancouver.
In this shot, the guy did these "paintings" on the sidewalk completely in chalk, as in blackboard chalk! (The white bucket is for "contributions". )

In this pic, the guy crouched down is a spray paint artist. He is a degree holder with a full-time job as an IT engineer. (SMRT is you're reading this, I think we should pay him to do up our trains.)

And it's not just Canada.
In Alaska, our bus driver was a Masters student who lectures part-time at the university. He likes being a bus driver as it lets him interact with people which is a nice balance to research and books. Can you imagine someone with a Masters degree doing that here?
Again, on the train, our waitress was a recent uni grad.
I can't imagine any family here allowing their children to taken on jobs for which they are way over qualified. Somehow, it's seen as "beneath" them to do "menial" jobs. Our service sector here doesn't get the respect it deserves and it shows in the attitude of the staff.

The rest were taken in Alaska. I thought this photo was quite nice but hubby doesn't think so. I guess the flag pole could be a bit shorter. Anyway, this was in Denali National Park.

This is so Smurf!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Holiday without Danny - Fur, Feathers and Fins
One of the most famous sled dog races is the Iditarod, or as our guide called it, the Great Puppydog Race. It stretches around 1,100 miles or 1,770km, across 3 mountain ranges. Each team comprises of 12 to 16 dogs and takes anything from 8 to 30 days to complete. To prepare for the race, they are trained from puppyhood and can run 20 miles a day as adults in training.
Oh, and did I mention each dog eats 10,000 calories a day? Our guide likened it to a grown man eating 80 Big Macs every day!
So they may not look it, but these dogs are athletes in their own right.

The other thing Alaska is famous for is Salmon. Hubby and I saw fishermen fishing in a river just outside downtown Anchorage. Hubby was actually super grumpy cos he had a runny nose, wanted to sleep in and was so sure we wouldn't see anything. When I said I'll go on my own, he got out of bed and got dressed.
He was Mr Sourpuss all the way from the hotel to breakfast and on the way to the river. When we reached, a fisherman happened to be reeling in a catch. Thank God! After that, he was the one scurrying around trying to spot salmon.

I spotted a few of them among some rocks and I yelled to hubby. The fishermen heard me and they started casting their lines there. One of the salmon came up with blood running down. Oops.
I was without Danny, but Alaska wasn't the only place I managed to get my dog fix. Up on Whistler mountain in Canada, we headed to this park by the river. Someone was playing fetch with her German Shepard.

Canada's quite a dog friendly place. We spotted this water fountain just for dogs outside the Buchart Gardens. I think it means dog parking. We also spied a few water coolers for humans with an identical one below for dogs around the city.

Oh, and check out the ENORMOUS chew bones for dogs! I have no idea what animal they're from ... goat, cow, ...dinosaur?
We saw several birds but they were too small or too fast for the camera. However, this seagull and his girlfriend, made themselves quite comfortable on our hotel balcony. They were our wake up call every morning in Vancouver...and he still had the cheek to moon me!
In Stanley Park, I had my first encounter with a black squirrel, which came racing up to me, ...
...and a racoon!
Both of them were heading my way because they thought I was going to feed them. Appearantly people have been doing so cos they think they are cute, but as with our monkeys here, they bite and scratch.
Still, I have these people to thank for me seeing the racoon. They are nocturnal animals and this one only came out during the day hoping to be fed. He is super cute though!
* * *
One of the stranger pets I saw was up on Whistler. From a distance, I saw this lady walking what I assumed was a small dog.
Erm...It's a mongoose.
Funny thing is, no one else thought it was weird!
* * *
Oh and yes, what is Alaska without the reindeer? In case you weren't aware, there are 2 kinds of reindeer. The first come in herds.
The second come in sausage. And they're yummy too!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Holiday without Danny - Canada and Alaska
Just before I left, I tried to take a few photos of Danny so I have something to look at when I miss him. The rascal was busy running all over the place, making a mess and wouldn't let me to get a good shot. Eventually, dad managed to catch him in mid dash and hauled him right up to the camera.

I think he was wondering what the heck was happening when the flash went off.
Anyway, yes, the trip. Canada has much nicer scenery than Alaska. I think it's because they benefit from longer summers so plants and flowers have a chance to bloom. Though I could be biased cos when I was there, Vancouver's weather was absolutely perfect, while Alaska was raining a lot.
Favourites from Vancouver?
Rocky Mountaineer (FYI, that the name of the train going up the mountain). They serve you breakfast in nice comfy, cushy chairs and free flow of drinks. Way better than taking the coach!
My advice? Sit on the left side going up and the right side coming down. You get a better view!
Whistler Mountain, where I did ziplining for the first time! You're about 7 storeys up in the trees and you zip across the river below. We also went up the gondola to the top of the mountain.
Surprisingly, it wasn't very cold. I just had a long-sleeved top on and I was fine. Some people were a bit mad. They were up there in shorts and slippers, bouncing about in the snow.

Coal Harbour....Luxury yachts and mountains. What's not to like?!

As for Alaska, I'll be frank. I travelled halfway around the world just to see huskies in action. And after almost a week in Canada, I finally did!
Dogs at play - after the run. I can't believe a couple even jumped in the river! It was frigid cold! I was on the boat and I couldn't feel my fingers from the cold!
Dogs back at work - with me in the buggy!
AND THEY HAD PUPPIES!!! These little guys are only 3.5 weeks old!

More in the next post....
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Curiosity snagged the dog

Friday, July 2, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The carrot and the stick - Part II

I didn't bother to replace it, but after a nerve-shattering day of Danny's non-stop high pitched yelps and my neighbours' (so-far) polite comments of his noise, I decided to give the muzzle another try.
Friday, June 25, 2010
The carrot and the stick - Part I

Mouth- and paw-stained Danny....Yums!

Monday, June 21, 2010
Adopt a dog this weekend!
The breeds include beagles, terriers, mini schnauzers, golden retrievers and many others.
Details on the adoption drive are as follows:
These dogs were formerly kept for breeding and some do have health problems. Note: no puppies available. More information on the dogs available can be found on their website at
So spread the word and help these dogs find a great home!
I didn't know tissues were edible
However, he doesn't agree.
Just after breakfast yesterday, he grabbed a box of tissues off the table. It didn't stand a chance. Danny chomped down half the contents before we discovered him.
I had no idea they could be eaten but as per Experiment Danny, they didn't do him any harm. Actually, they seem to make for pretty good roughage. (Tissues come from trees and trees = fibre, right?)
Well, whatever went in popped out in a few hours. They must have cleaned him really thoroughly too cos when dinner time came, he yelped for his food and polished it off faster than ever.
DISCLAIMER: Not recommended as alternative treatment for bowel movement.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Destructive Danny
See the risks I go to through get live coverage?
Anyway, THIS is typical Danny behaviour on an average day.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sanitation Officer

He's paper trained, and we usually leave a thick wad of newspaper on the floor for him. When we're feeling industrious, we would remove the dirty sheets, leaving the clean ones below. On more lazy days and if it's just pee, we would simply flip the sheets over.
Danny's been observing us clean up his mess all this while. Today, I was petting him when he suddenly got up and headed for the paper. I praised him while he peed to reinforce the act.
After he was done, I thought he would come back to me but he didn't. Instead he sniffed around the area and started nosing. I thought he was doing something grouse so I told him to come but I got ignored.
Then to my surprise, he pushed up a corner of the newspaper and using his nose, he rolled it over his pee. He did it again until it was completely covered. Only then did he come to me.
I've never seen him do that before and I don't know if he actually meant to cover up his stuff, but for now the whole family's in shock.
Except for Rhoda. She thinks he's showing off.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Project Playmate Aborted
I was on my way back from work when I got a call from mom that Javier bit her when she picked up Danny's chew toy. He snapped at dad a couple of days back also over a toy but didn't break skin, so we figured we'd monitor him and see how it goes. Mom said that there was a bit of blood and she just wanted to see the doc to get a tetenus shot just in case.
Mom has this habit of making a molehill out of a mountain. When I reached home, the back of her hand was scuffed with several teeth marks, and even though it had been over an hour since the bite, blood was still oozing out of her hand which was starting to swell.
Mom got an antibiotic shot on top of a course of strong antibiotics and was told to come back in a couple of days to check if it was healing or getting infected. As of this morning, it had swelled to the size of a golf ball.
I contacted Javier's owner and told her that it wasn't working out. She apologised but the best, best part was when she told me that Javier had bitten her and her mother before when they touched his toys or food. Ya, thanks for telling me now.
All the smses and phone calls where she gushes over over how cute his is and what a sweetie he is and she couldn't tell us that Javier has aggression issues? Seriously, I don't know how people can be so irresponsible to put their dog up for adoption and not brief the new owner on important things like behavioural problems and fleas. Oh yes, Javier had fleas and almost passed them to Danny. Just one of those details she forgot to mention even though she knows full well we have another dog.
Another little detail she left out was that Javier was behaving aggressively towards her new baby and that's why she had to give him up. Her reason previously was that she and her husband were going to travel more for work and they don't have time for him.
HONESTLY!!! That was a downright blatant lie!
The irony is that I was more concerned about how he would react to Danny. Danny, however, had a load of fun (except when it came to toys, which Javier would take from him) and I'm now quite confident that Danny doesn't have any social issues (except for his fetish for humping other dogs).
Through this, we also realised that naughty, noisy Danny is really quite a good-natured dog deep underneath it all.
That being said, Project Playmate is dead and won't be ressurected. Danny and his owners will have to contend with him being a bored, only dog.
Oh yes, in celebration of his reinstated status, Danny promptly tore open a packet of biscuits and helped himself to 3/4 of the contents.
That boy works fast.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Trouble in Paradise
Unfortunately, that isn't the only problem. Javier seems to have quite a possesive streak. He's decided that he likes Rhoda and follows her wherever he goes. Danny isn't that into following people; he prefers nosing about for trouble.
The result is that after a couple of days, Javier decided that Rhoda was his "property" and growls whenever Rhoda gives Danny any attention. One night, when Rhoda wanted to bring Danny down to sleep, Javier growled at him. His growls got progressively louder when he was ignored and Danny actually got scared.
When I came out of the study, Danny made a beeline for me with his ears pinned back and the unmistakable look of "Oh help! Save me!"
To his credit, Danny hasn't growled back. Well, not yet anyway. Most times he just stares at Javier with the "Boy, you're strange" look and scoots off.
There was only one time Danny growled at him, and that was when Javier made off with his toy. I got it back for him and that was it.
Dan's also fine when other family peeps pat Javier. He snots a bit or looks for something naughty to do but that's it.
I guess they both need time to settle down to this arrangement. We want Javier to be happy and comfortable with us, but at the same time we don't want Danny to feel that he's being invaded when all things considered, he's actually been quite welcoming to the new little guy.
Hmm, we'll see...