As magnificent as peanut-butter-stuffed Kong is in keeping him busy and quiet, Danny still bores quite easily. That's where the stick comes in.
No, I'm not talking about the cane. (Although that reminds me, he has chewed up the fifth and final cane and I need to buy some more. Anyone know a wholesaler?) I'm talking about the muzzle.
Yes, I know I have tried the muzzle before but this is a different muzzle. The previous one was a very forgiving cage muzzle which gave him some room to manoeuvre. Our friend figured out how to get it off within a week and promptly chewed it to bits.
He sensed its vulnerability and would look at us with reproachful eyes whenever we put it on (see below). If you look closely at the top of the muzzle, you'll see where we stapled the damaged portion together. A couple of days after this shot, it was bye-bye muzzle.

I didn't bother to replace it, but after a nerve-shattering day of Danny's non-stop high pitched yelps and my neighbours' (so-far) polite comments of his noise, I decided to give the muzzle another try.
This time, I went in search of the one they use at the vet, you know, the one that wraps around the mouth.
Well, it's been a few weeks now, and Dan-boy can't get it off. And trust me he tried. He rubbed it against walls, carpeting, the floor, my leg,....but it didn't even budge. Now, when we put it on, he goes all limp. Place him on the floor and he'll slump down in a corner. You can place him on your lap and pat him as you browse through the paper.
Note: The dog below is fully awake.
Anyway, he seems to be getting the message. When he is overly noisy or destructive, his mouth privileges get revoked. When we remove the muzzle, he becomes the quietest dog ever. If we're lucky, it even lasts the whole day.
So far, so good.
Can I ask what muzzle is that? My friend needs a fantastic muzzle cos her dog is on a higher level compared to Danny's destructiveness.
Hi Jewl! Sorry for the late reply. I was overseas for the last 2 weeks!
I don't have the brand but its a nylon strap muzzle with velcro on the front for tightness and a clip at the back. The front part wraps around the dog's mouth.
Good luck!
Angela, welcome back! Where you bought this from?
I got it from pet lovers centre. They have different sizes. Danny recently figured out how to get it off though, so now I'm not sure how dog-proof it is. :P
Sigh! Back to square one!
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