Following up from my previous post, I did try to get the camera back from dad, However, every question was met with comments like "oh er... LOOK at the TIME!" before he scooted off. So, I really dunno what happened to the cam.
Anyway, I resorted to taking new Danny pics with my phone. Either I or Danny shook for the first one but I think the second looks pretty good! :D
"Hello! I'm back!"
Speaking of our friend, despite the overhanging threat of boarding school, he proceeded to completely destroy my bro's video tape the very next day. My bro wanted something recorded while he was at work and left the tape on the table. Somehow, Danny snatched it down and started to chomp on it. He did a pretty good job too. Two corners were completely gone and part of the tape was peeking out.
I've been really, really irritated with him when this morning NEA suddenly decided to fumigate the place without warning. I had mosquito-killing fog pour in from every opening of the house. Danny was in the balcony as usual, and he dashed in as far as he could, yelping away. At one point, he turned around a looked at the fog as it came in. He probably thought it was the end of the world.
Mom told me to close all doors and windows and I said "What about Danny?" Without skipping a beat, she said to toss him outside. I looked from her and then at Danny staring desperately at the weird smelly white smoke, and for a fleeting moment, I pictured him on his side gasping for any last molecule of air as the fog closed in on him.
I brought him in instead. I guess somewhere in between the incessent yelping and the active destruction of the house, Danny must have done something right.
He's an irritating furball, but he's MY irrtating furball.

In other news, it's hubby's birthday today! I took him out for lunch at Forlino at One Fullerton. I read about it on Xiaxue's blog and decided to check it out.
It's a bit of a maze trying to walk to the restaurant but once you're in, you get a great view of the city.

Hubby and I had a great time people-watching. We were wondering why so many tourists were risking being fried in the afternoon sun to take photos at the Merlion, when we realised that's what we did when we were in Israel and the temp was like 40 degrees! I think all the Isrealis thought we were nutz!
Anyways, Forlino is quite classy. For ladies, they have a special chair for you to chuck your bags and the waiter came with a selection of napkins for us to choose from. We had an appetiser but I forgot to take pics. I should have though. It was sort of like mash potato mixed with bits of ham and fried like a harsh brown. Tiny thing on a relatively big plate but very nicely presented.
I did take a photo of the soup though...

...And promptly forget to take the main course. Still, I think the highlight of the meal was the LAVA CAKE! *drool*

It came with a small scoop of banana ice-cream. I was wondering why "banana" but really, it goes perfectly with the chocolate.
Hubby gobbled up half with cake before I even got a bite. (Humph! If it wasn't his birthday...) He was slurping it up when he dropped a bit of chocolate on the table. Being the highly mature person that he is, he fished out a mint leaf from the plate and started playing with the chocolate.
He calls this shot "Going Green". He said something about planting a tree in a nutritious pile of sh*t.
Humour the birthday boy, okay?
All this time, a waiter was hovering in the background. When hubby was done playing, he came over and promptly wiped the spot away.
Not satisfied with stealing the lava cake, hubby continued on to swipe my cookies. I ordered the set, see? And it came with coffee and cookies. They called it something fancy, petite fours I think, anyway its cookies.

The one hubby's holding is almond, the white is a meringue and on the right are the butter cookies. Totally yums!
Despite his food thieving today, hubby's been quite useful recently. For the longest time, I've not been able to bend over when wearing certain dresses cos they're kinda loose on top, or having to bear with straps that slip off shoulder a bit too easily. (This is espeically since I started my blogshopping craze.)
I always hear about hollywood stars wearing gravity-defying clothes cos of some body tape but could never find it here. I mentioned it to hubby one day and in a couple of days he sent me a website and told me to look under "Hollywood Fashion Tape".
Considering it's just tape, it was a little pricey but I figured what the heck. No harm trying, right? The package arrived in a couple of days in nice pretty pink packaging too! It's like someone sent me a pressie.

I used it the other day and it really worked. I was out for about 10 hours and it held my top in place. Brilliant!
Got to hand it to hubby though. How in the world he could find girly girl stuff I really don't know.
Anyway, it's been a really long post and if you're still with me... yeah, cool! I hope to blog again really soon but given the state of my desk at the office, well, I'll just keep my fingers crossed.
I've been really, really irritated with him when this morning NEA suddenly decided to fumigate the place without warning. I had mosquito-killing fog pour in from every opening of the house. Danny was in the balcony as usual, and he dashed in as far as he could, yelping away. At one point, he turned around a looked at the fog as it came in. He probably thought it was the end of the world.
Mom told me to close all doors and windows and I said "What about Danny?" Without skipping a beat, she said to toss him outside. I looked from her and then at Danny staring desperately at the weird smelly white smoke, and for a fleeting moment, I pictured him on his side gasping for any last molecule of air as the fog closed in on him.
I brought him in instead. I guess somewhere in between the incessent yelping and the active destruction of the house, Danny must have done something right.
He's an irritating furball, but he's MY irrtating furball.
"Saved! Whoa yeah!"
In other news, it's hubby's birthday today! I took him out for lunch at Forlino at One Fullerton. I read about it on Xiaxue's blog and decided to check it out.
It's a bit of a maze trying to walk to the restaurant but once you're in, you get a great view of the city.
Hubby and I had a great time people-watching. We were wondering why so many tourists were risking being fried in the afternoon sun to take photos at the Merlion, when we realised that's what we did when we were in Israel and the temp was like 40 degrees! I think all the Isrealis thought we were nutz!
Anyways, Forlino is quite classy. For ladies, they have a special chair for you to chuck your bags and the waiter came with a selection of napkins for us to choose from. We had an appetiser but I forgot to take pics. I should have though. It was sort of like mash potato mixed with bits of ham and fried like a harsh brown. Tiny thing on a relatively big plate but very nicely presented.
I did take a photo of the soup though...
...And promptly forget to take the main course. Still, I think the highlight of the meal was the LAVA CAKE! *drool*
It came with a small scoop of banana ice-cream. I was wondering why "banana" but really, it goes perfectly with the chocolate.
He calls this shot "Going Green". He said something about planting a tree in a nutritious pile of sh*t.
Humour the birthday boy, okay?
We are soooo not five-star.
Not satisfied with stealing the lava cake, hubby continued on to swipe my cookies. I ordered the set, see? And it came with coffee and cookies. They called it something fancy, petite fours I think, anyway its cookies.
The one hubby's holding is almond, the white is a meringue and on the right are the butter cookies. Totally yums!
Despite his food thieving today, hubby's been quite useful recently. For the longest time, I've not been able to bend over when wearing certain dresses cos they're kinda loose on top, or having to bear with straps that slip off shoulder a bit too easily. (This is espeically since I started my blogshopping craze.)
I always hear about hollywood stars wearing gravity-defying clothes cos of some body tape but could never find it here. I mentioned it to hubby one day and in a couple of days he sent me a website and told me to look under "Hollywood Fashion Tape".
Considering it's just tape, it was a little pricey but I figured what the heck. No harm trying, right? The package arrived in a couple of days in nice pretty pink packaging too! It's like someone sent me a pressie.
I used it the other day and it really worked. I was out for about 10 hours and it held my top in place. Brilliant!
Got to hand it to hubby though. How in the world he could find girly girl stuff I really don't know.
Anyway, it's been a really long post and if you're still with me... yeah, cool! I hope to blog again really soon but given the state of my desk at the office, well, I'll just keep my fingers crossed.
I think Danny really needs help in discipline. I have never heard of such a naughty schnauzer before! Gambatte!
Tell me about it! Everyone keeps telling me that their schnauzer is very good.
This is after having 2 trainers some more! Really dunno what to do. :P
seems like you use alot of papers at work... what do u do? just curious.. :)
Hey there! I'm doing corporate communications. And, yes, papers are my life!
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