I haven't blogged in a really long time. I've been completely swamped at work but decided that I need to do something before May passes without a single post.
In case you've been thinking that it's cos Danny's been such a good boy, ........
...........................NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.
I vaguely recall that in an earlier post I said something along the lines of Danny getting a whole lot better, blah, blah, blah. Well, it looks like I have to chuck all my words into a blender and send it down my gullet.
Danny and the Exercise Machine
A few weekends ago, I was torn between watching a DVD and spending quality time with Danny. So I decided to do both. I headed to the basement and Danny-proofed the room. This meant:
a) taking all the cushions and other small objects and placing them on higher ground
b) hiding and/or covering all electrical sockets
c) spreading newspaper over his favourite spots
d) bringing down an array of chew toys
Once everything was in place, I brought Danny down and popped in the DVD. Everything went fine for the next half hour. He sat on my lap and quietly chewed his toys, running off occasionally to get a new one.
Then he got bored. He started jumping on me and trying to get at the cushions. He managed to snatch one, at which point I stopped the DVD and chased him all around the room to get it back. Honestly, if i wanted exercise, I'd go to the gym.
After that, it was one eye on the dvd and the other on our friend. Whenever he seemed to be doing something naughty, I yelled "NO" and he stopped.
He eventually settled in a corner and I went back to my show. However, after a while, I began noticing a gnawing sound which was progressively getting louder. I thought it was his hard bone toy, and then I realised he didn't have one any more.
It turns out our friend was chewing on my mom's brand new Ogawa exercise machine, and had successfuly gnawed away at the corner of the rubber mat.
Here's a shot. Can you see it?
No? Well, here's a closer view of the corner. It's got this rat-nibbled pattern now.
I smacked him hard and threatened to shave him bald and use his fur to patch the mat. He did try his best to look sorry and didn't even make a fuss when I chucked him back in his room.
HOWEVER....an hour later, Rhoda let him out. He shot upstairs (he knows he's not allowed upstairs), went into my bathroom and pee-ed right on the floor.
(Stay tuned to Part II: Danny and the Shaver)
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