Oooh! What's this?
It's Danny's new collar!
(Top view)Here he is sitting on hubby's lap. He likes to do that. And yes, I know hubby has no exercise fashion sense...
(Side view)
...But Danny does! Doesn't he look handsome? *adoring smile*
Eh? What's that? Why did I put a pink collar on a boy dog?
Oei! I'll have you know that it takes a real dog to wear pink! Besides, he's a sensitive new age dog and TOTALLY in touch with his feminine side, okay? So there! Humph!
(P.S. The owner likes pink so he has no choice.)
(P.P.S. Hubby says taking him for a walk like that will emasculate him, but he doesn't have a choice either. Hah!)
hi angela..
i want to have a dog but as a muslim i am prohibited to have it.
but maybe someday i will..hehehe...
dog is great animal..
i hope someday you would meet chassard in heaven.
nice to meet you angela :-)
Hey, thanks for your kind thoughts! I really do miss that big, black dog. Naughty as he was, he was still our darling.
If you do get a dog, let me know! :D
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