The scene of the crime is the ground floor bathroom.
His favourite victim? Mum.
Background info: When we can't keep an eye on him, we normally leash Danny to the railing near the balcony. We give him a fairly long leash which allows him to reach the bathroom door. Which brings me to yesterday.
I came home to find mum complaining about the dog having loose morals. It turns out that in the last week, every time mum uses the bathroom, Danny would er... interfere. Even though she takes care to close the door properly, Danny has managed to figure out certain "pressure points" to effectively nudge it open.
Once it is slightly ajar, he would poke his face round the corner and peek in all curious-like with the "so whatcha' doing in there?" look. Mum would shout at him to go away, but Danny is one dog that is oblivious to screams.
After several encounters, mum has now taken to walking all the way upstairs when she needs to go.
"Whatcha doin'?"

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