His most recent discovery are ginger sweets. And I'm not even talking about sweets with a hint of ginger; I'm talking eyes watering, mouth on fire ginger sweets.
I found a box of those in the pharmacy and bought them for mum. They were chewy too which mum absolutely loves. She put them in her bag and placed the bag on the stairs while she went to get something.
When she returned she found this:
Front view
Back view

Danny had fished it out of her bag, torn the box open, and was finishing up his second sweet by the time she found him. Each sweet is individually wrapped and the wierdest thing is that he had carefully removed the wrapper before consumption.
Still, he was kind enough to leave a few behind for us. All I could stomach was one, and I could feel it burning in my mouth.
I'm surprised he wasn't sick after that.
ooo, ginger cookies sound nicee...yums -Jes
For him, everything is nice! He even chewed up one leash and is halfway through the second one!
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