Friday, February 19, 2010

Expensive doggy


It's been busy, busy, busy for hubby and me but something popped into our mail a week ago that totally made our day. About a month ago, we decided to start the new year by sponsoring some kids under Compassion Canada.
We went to the website, made our selections and waited for the kiddy packs to arrive. It took much longer than expected because they got lost and damaged along the way, but they finally arrived after a month with apologies from the Canadian post. Woohoo!

But no worries. My time in between was well-spent pelting Compassion Canada with emails. (Yes, I'm one of those irritating people-types.)
Anyway, I was so excited, I stayed up till 1am reading all the material and the dos and donts for writing to the kids. I even broke out my pretty letter writing sets and penned my first letter.

No, my handwriting's not that bad. I just pixelated the details.

I must say, most of my writing material is over 20 years old! I'm a stationary geek and I used to collect all manner of remotely cute paper stuff that I'm finally putting to use!

One of the things I can send the kids are photos so I hauled the family into the living room after dinner for a group shot. I think the flash was a bit bright or something cos you can see my bro's singlet underneath his white shirt! So ah peh!

In case the kiddies can't identify us, we included the shot below. The kids are quite poor and many live aka Slumdog Millionaire, so one of the guidelines for photos is not to take shots with any expensive, wealthy looking stuff, such as your Ferrari collection or 2,000 carat diamond ring.

With this in mind, we carefully selected our attire...

What do you think? I was nicely tucked in bed when hubby chucked me out to take this shot. Hey, at least the colours match! ... Some days they don't.

By now you're probably wondering what all this has to do with Danny. Well, I was doing up my sums the other day, and this is roughly how much it costs to keep Danny alive:

Grooming: $45 (once in 3 months)

Food: $50 (once a month)

Training: $200 + $900 (one-time)

Toys, leashes, replacement towels, cushions and wires: Lost count

By contrast, it costs roughly $45 Sing to feed, clothe and educate a child in Ethiopia, AND this is without the mental aggravation.

Danny's only plus point, he comes fully clothed.

"I'm expensive. Feed me."


Jessica said...

omg angela, i actually burst out loudly in the office when i scrolled down to see the pic of you in that hang ten tshirt! hahahahah

Angela said...

It could have been worse. I could have been wearing my grubby holey Giordano T on that day.