Friday, May 15, 2009

Daredevil Danny

The first couple of days he was here, we didn't need a fence to stop Danny from going places. All we had to do was to place him in the kitchen balcony, and the two steps down into the dining area were enough to frustrate him. He would stand right at the edge of the steps with his ears pricked up and neck craning in our direction.

He would look desperate enough for us to walk over and pick him up. Unfortuately, he wasn't one for planning ahead. Something would entice him to run up to the balcony and then he'd realise that he was stuck again.

The bright side was that I was getting some much-needed exercise. The downside... well, actually there's no downside.

Anyway, on Day 3, he decided he had enough of it and bravely attempted to head downwards. He ended up slipping, tumbling and bumping his head on the floor accompanied by a loud yelp.

On Day 4, he was stuck on top of a short flight of stairs, and my mom was ignoring all desperate whines. He plucked up enough courage to try again. This time, he only half-slid down. When he hit the bottom, he immediately shot up the stairs and tried again.

By the time I reached home, he had figured it out. It goes like this:
Step 1: Do ground survey

Step 2: Get into position

Step 3: Have a break before repeating process

So everything's good, right? Actually no. Our friend is getting cocky. Today he was sitting on my lap when he decided to jump off. That's right. The height was like three times his.

He slammed his jaw into the (thank God) carpet, and then made a whole lap around the house yelping away. I thought he broke his jaw.

Think he learnt his lesson? Yeah, right. Half an hour later he was happily sniffing the balcony railing and he placed one paw on the slopping roof!

Tomorrow the wire mash goes up EVERYWHERE.

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