Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tit for Tat

I never thought of Chassard as a vindictive dog. But this episode really changed my mind.

One warm afternoon, Chassard was cosying up to a sofa and about to take a nap when my brother walked in. As he reached for the TV remote, he let off a really bad, noisy one....And believe me, my brother's excesses are serious. Never get caught in an enclosed space with him.

Anyway, the worst thing Chassard had smelt so far was himself (this was before the diarrhea incident). He scrambled to his feet, cast a furtive look at my bro and scampered into the kitchen where his favourite smells are.

The very next day, my bro was lounging on the sofa in front of the TV. Chassard was in the dining room with me when he suddenly got up, hurried up to my bro, let one fly in his face and came back to me.

It was the only time he had given off a noisy one but it couldn't match my bro's for deadlinest.

Still it was a valiant effort. Maybe he thought he was returning some wierd form of human greeting.

Whatever it is, after that my bro was a lot more careful around him.

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